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In a single class or a series of workshop sessions
Kids learn to create their own comics
using simple storytelling and illustration techniques!
And for those of you looking to commission one of
our classic in-person educational enrichment activities,
we offer our acclaimed adventures in learning

Now Booking
for the
School Year

Now including AFTER-SCHOOL
classes, workshops, & residencies!
Captivating educational enrichment programs
for schools and libraries
where the Kids are the Stars of the show!
performing LIVE interACTIVE adventures
at schools and libraries across the nation!v
including our Number ONE Most Popular program

Kids Develop Research Skills
as they Track down and Capture
a Lurking MONSTER!
Kids Learn the Elements of Story Crafting - by USING Them to Produce a Madcap Adventure!

Kids Have a Grand Adventure Building Observation, Research,
and Cooperative Learning skills as they Follow Mysterious Trails,
Decipher Secret Messages, Identify Historical Artifacts,
and Track Down a Fantastic Treasure!
Kids Have a Grand Adventure Building Observation, Research,
and Cooperative Learning skills as they Follow Mysterious Trails,
Decipher Secret Messages, Identify Historical Artifacts,
and Track Down a Fantastic Treasure!
For full details about these captivating InterACTIVE Adventures,
visit each program's page using the site menu or clicking on the program logo
or contact us: email
phone (914) 437-7628
To Learn more about our School and Library Enrichment Programs
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